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Hot/Hard/Peelable Wax
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Hot/Hard/Peelable Wax


Hot/Hard/Peelable Waxing Diploma Half-Day Course

Cost: - £175
Accreditation: This course is insurable and accredited by the Professional Beauty Direct (equivalent to18 cpd points)
Certifications/Qualifications Attained: Michelle Collins Spa and Beauty Training accredited/recognised diploma allowing you to gain insurance and use therapy with the general public and charge.
Pre-Requisite: Waxing Qualification (L2 Beauty or waxing diploma)

This course is a great addition to be able to use hot wax treatments alongside warm waxing treatments for your clients. Some clients will benefit from the gentler method and will be prepared to pay more for the service. Hot wax is more beneficial on sensitive areas such as bikini, underarms and face. Hot waxing has gained popularity recently in the Beauty Industry due to the efficiency of new, more flexible wax products. Hot wax is spread onto the area of hair growth (skin) and allowed to dry slightly before it is peeled away. This method is far less painful than most and pulls hair directly from the roots. Hot waxing is particularly good for those with sensitive skin and coarse hair growth. Hot waxing can be done anywhere on the body, but it is preferred by most therapists on smaller areas as takes more time than warm waxing. Hot wax can grab hair as short as 2mm in length.

• Hot wax grips hair better than warm wax
• It is suitable for most hair types fine and coarse. It can remove strong deep rooted hairs successfully
• It does not leave sticky residue like warm wax
• It is better at removing shorter hairs
• Can be more suited to those with sensitive skin
• There is less reddening on the skin following hot waxing
• Hair re-growth is finer

Course Content & Learning Outcomes
• How to manage your working environment
• Code of practice and insurance for therapists
• Consultation procedure including contra-indications
• Contra-actions to the treatment and aftercare advice
• Health & safety
• Data Protection/GDPR/Client Confidentiality
• How to prepare for Waxing treatments
• How to carry out safely and effectively: Removal of hair from Legs, Bikini Line, Underarms, Chin, Lip and Eyebrows using Hot waxing techniques • Shaping the Eyebrows using hot wax
• Anatomy and physiology for Waxing treatments
• Waxing Treatment Routines

Duration: Half Day Practical (if training with other students)
Home study: 1 day guided learning hours required to be completed before the training day (emailed to you). This allows for an intensive practical study of the routines
Case Studies: You will be required to submit 6 case studies (1 Brows, 1 Lip, 1 Chin, 1 Underarm, 1 Bikini line, 1 Leg wax) before you receive your certificate.

TRAINING DATES: Training dates are booked by individual arrangement - please complete the booking form HERE to book and arrange what month you are looking to do the course (a list of training dates will then be sent to you and you pick the most convenient date for you) 

Tel - 07742149249
Email -
Church Village - South Wales

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